Aug. 10, 2017
How usage of single or double consonants changes meaning of Luganda words
IT is alleged that at one time, a person was killed because of a misinterpretation of the written word. A person in authority was informed of an arrest of someone and he sent a note in Luganda with the word “Mute” to the people who had arrested the person. Not knowing proper spellings and pronunciation of Luganda words, the person who was given the note read out loudly: “Mutte” and they proceeded and killed the arrested person. But the Luganda word in the note “Mute” meant ‘release the person’ whereas what he read out; “mutte” meant “kill the person”.
That is how crucial Luganda spellings are, to both the writer and the reader. You can easily misunderstand or be misunderstood. Writing single or double consonants can change meaning of words.
Consider the examples below:
1- Okuta: To release
Okutta: To kill
2- Okuba: To be
Okubba: To steal
3- Okusa: To grind
Okussa: To breath
4- Kata: Nearly
Katta: It kills.
5- Kaga: A cane
Kagga: A stream
6- Kaza: Make dry
Kazza: It brings back
7- Kabi: Danger
Kabbi: He/ She (‘Ka’ is a diminutive prefix in this case) is a thief.
8- Kagi: Small egg
Kaggi: Small door
9- Kaba: chin bone
Kabba: It stole
10- Kuza: To make grow
Kuzza: To bring back
11- Kuma: To blow over (fire)
Kumma: To withhold (refuse to give) something from someone.
12- Siga: To plant
Sigga: A centipede
Ssiga: A firestone
13- Sasa: To scatter
Ssasa: A workshop (for mechanical work)
14- Saba: Pray.
Sabba: I did not steal.
15- Muka: of high concentration.
Mukka: Smoke
16- Muto: He/ She is young.
Mutto: A cushion
17- Mubi: He/ She is bad.
Mubbi: He/ She is a thief.
18- Kibo: A bed bug
Kibbo: A basket
19- Kisa: Kindness
Kissa: It leads to death.
20- Toma: Don’t appreciate
Tomma: Don’t withhold
21- Endagu: Witchcraft.
Endaggu: A type of yam
22- Bula : Disappear
Bbula: Scarcity
23- Manya: Know
Mannya: Names
24- Yeba: Get weak
Yebba: He stole his own / He moved stealthily.
25- Gula: Buy
Ggula: Open
26- Kula: Grow up
Kkula: A beauty
27- Lugo: Fence
Luggo: a long stick
28- Tuza: To cause to choke.
Tuzza: To sound (the drum)
29- Tuga: Strangle
Tugga: To stop (vehicle) abruptly/ tie tightly
30- Tama: Fed-up
Tamma- He /She does not withhold.
31- Bala: Count.
Bbala: A stain
32- Fuba: Try hard
Ffuba: Very big chest
33- Yaza: Search
Yazza: He/ She brought back.
34- Baka: Catch something thrown at you.
Bakka: They went down.
35- Okusa: To grind.
Okussa: To breath.
36- Ka: Home
Kka: Come down
37- Okugula: To buy.
Okuggula: To open.
38- Bikka: Cover
Bbika: Push under
Bika: Announce a death
39- Toba: Get wet.
Tobba: Don’t steal.
40- Sajja: I did not come.
Ssajja: A very huge man
41- Kuba: Beat
Kubba: To steal
42- Siba: Tie
Sibba: I don’t steal.
@ Nankinga Margaret